If you’ve been around The Hobby Room for a while you know we love a good stream event, be it a Subathon, Charity Stream or painting marathon. The aim of the challenges that we do is always to make sure we encourage other hobbyists and the community to hobby on as much of their Pile of Potential as they can, and it’s been a while since we’ve done one.
Well, today I’m here (Ben, obviously, who else writes these blog posts? I suppose it could have been the other person who writes content here, Ceri, but it’s not, it’s me) to tell you that we have a date set aside for another Hobby Marathon! That’s right, another *at least* 24 hours of streaming will be happening from The Hobby Room over the course of July 31st and August 1st 2021.
There will be laughter, hobbying, challenges, stream stickers, giveaways and more to be able to provide you with entertainment over the course of the weekend. The main schedule will be 12 hours on Saturday (31st) and 12 hours on Sunday (1st) minimum, starting at 10am BST both days with a scheduled end time of 10pm, if I’m in the hobby mojo or chat hit certain goals then I don’t see a reason not to extend it. To a limit.
But anyway! What is the challenge? What is the theme? What is going on?!
This time, we’re going on a quest. To tackle the mountains of grey plastic we already have, or have specifically obtained for this event. And I, Ben, will be there to guide you all along the way. My challenge over the course of the weekend will be to paint atleast one Start Collecting or Combat Patrol box during the stream, with bonus points if I manage to get a second one done. I haven’t decided what I want to do yet, but I’m sure over the coming weeks Twitch chat will help me decide. The theme for this quest will be: Anything you want! To start off the inaurgural quest we’re going to be done with the theme this time around and allow anyone and everyone to just use it as an unguided hobbying marathon! If you are wanting a steer in the right direction thought I’d follow some simple guidelines:
- Grab a Start Collecting! Box, Combat Patrol Box, or equivalent for an army you currently own or want to do more of.
- Plan your paint scheme and time over the weekend, nothing goes better than having done a test model before hand so you know what time you have!
- Join in and Tweet / Instagram with the hashtag #thehobbyquest
So to recap, get yourself some hobby ready to do over the weekend, be prepared with snacks and drinks for the weekend of 31st July / 1st August, and make sure you check back next week to have a peek at some of the giveaways and other things you can look forward to while the event is live!
2 thoughts on “It’s time for a quest…”