Age of Sigmar Articles Bases Hobby How To Other slot-2-plus Warhammer 40,000

Hobby How To – Bases!

Hobby How To Basing Lava

This is the first part of a series of simple basing ideas for your armies! Each article will look at a different basing style and the easy steps to reproduce it!

Lava Base

Lava bases are super simple to do, and extremely effective. It adds a great amount of colour to the base without pulling all the focus away from the model.

The first step is to add a mix of colour to the base. I used Flash Gitz Yellow, Troll Slayer Orange and Fire Dragon Bright for this. It does not need to be neat, and you can have lots of fun at this stage making a mess on the base!

Once this layer has dried, be sure to add a layer of Lahmian Medium all over to protect this layer and allow the next stage to work properly.

The next stage is to add a thick layer of Mordant Earth over. This layer I apply with a Texture Tool to allow me a thick enough layer.

Once fully dried (I leave for 12-24 hours depending on how warm my hobby room is), add another layer of Lahmian Medium to help keep the crackle paint in place.

Paint the rim of the base (here I have used Instar Pure Black) and you are done! Super glue the model in place to finish it off!

Check back next time to see what other bases you could create!

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